Ziua României pe Broadway – ediția XXI, dedicată culturii, patrimoniului și progresului | The XXI Edition of Romania Day On Broadway – dedicated to culture, heritage and progress


Sunday, June 12, 2022A unique event conceived to bring a wonderful glimpse of Romanian culture in the Capital of the World.

Duminică, 12 iunie 2022, un eveniment unic, conceput pentru a aduce o privire minunată asupra culturii românești în Capitala Lumii.

Romanian Day On Broadway Festival represents the best and most unique venue for the Romanian community in the United States and the citizens of the world to experience, enjoy and cherish the best of Romanian culture, customs, values and traditions along with music, food and folklore – all on the famous Canyon of Heroes on Broadway – New York.

Romania Day on Broadway will take place on Sunday, June 12 – on Broadway (bet. Bowling Green Park and Liberty Street) and will feature one of the most memorable and varied performance programs to date. The 2022 Edition will bring the best and the brightest groups o performers from many of the country’s regions – world renewed for its landscapes, architecture, traditions, food and millennial cultural heritage. This event is being made possible by our partners at the Romanian American Business Council, Minovici Medical Development, Mount Sinai International, Trasngaz, Constructim, Dorin BOB Enterprises and the Romanian Embassy in Washington DC.

Stefan A. Minovici: Vă așteptăm duminică, la ora 11:00! See you on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.! Detalii, pe https://romaniabroadway.com/

 Mangalia News, 12.06.2022.


Litoral Press România

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